Are you looking for ways to keep your air-conditioning unit running smoothly? Look no further than Affordable Air McCallum LLC! We have been providing quality and reliable service in the area since 1976. Our team of AC technicians is dedicated to helping customers stay cool, comfortable, and energy-efficient all year long.

With our easy steps and air conditioning service in Pearson, AR, we can help you maintain your air-conditioning unit so it runs at peak performance while saving money on energy costs. So don’t wait any longer; contact us today and let us show you how simple it can be to keep your air-conditioning system up and running!

Regularly Clean And Replace Air Filters

One of the simple yet most crucial steps in maintaining your air-conditioning unit is to clean or replace the air filters. Clogged or dirty filters restrict airflow, reducing the system’s efficiency and causing unnecessary strain on the unit. We recommend cleaning or replacing the filters every 30-60 days, depending on usage. By doing so, you’ll enjoy better air quality, improved cooling, and lower energy bills.

Keep the Outdoor Unit Clean And Clear

The outer unit of your air conditioner needs attention as well. Over time, leaves, dirt, and debris can accumulate around the unit, obstructing airflow and causing performance issues. Regularly inspect the outdoor unit and ensure it is free from any obstructions. Wash dirt and debris away with a hose, not damaging the delicate components. Keeping the outdoor unit clean will help maintain optimal performance and call us for AC repair in Pearson, AR.

Check And Seal Air Ducts

Leaky air ducts can lead to significant energy loss and reduced cooling efficiency. Inspect your air ducts for visible leaks and seal them promptly using duct tape or mastic sealant. This simple step can significantly improve your air conditioner’s performance and prevent unnecessary strain on the system. If you’re unsure about the condition of your air ducts, consider hiring a professional for air conditioning installation or repair.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

While there are several maintenance tasks you can handle yourself, it’s always a good idea to schedule professional air conditioning service in Pearson, AR, at least once a year. A certified technician will thoroughly assess and clean your air-conditioning unit, identifying potential issues before they become significant problems. Regular maintenance keeps your unit running smoothly and extends its lifespan, saving you money in the long run.

Optimize Thermostat Settings

Your air conditioner will work more efficiently if you optimize your thermostat settings. Programmable thermostats are especially useful; they can be adjusted to maintain a comfortable temperature while avoiding unnecessary energy consumption. Consider setting the thermostat higher when no one is home or at night, and lower it when the house is occupied. With proper thermostat management, you can reduce energy costs and maximize system performance.

Ensure Proper Insulation

Proper insulation in your home plays a vital role in maintaining a cool indoor environment. Insufficient insulation can result in energy loss and inefficient cooling, as cool air can escape and hot air can seep in. Check for gaps or cracks around windows, doors, and ducts and seal them properly to prevent air leakage. Adequate insulation will improve the efficiency of your air-conditioning unit and enhance overall comfort.

Keep The Condenser Coils Clean

The condenser coils of your air-conditioning unit release heat from the system. Over time, these coils can accumulate dirt, dust, and debris, hindering their ability to dissipate heat efficiently. Regularly clean the condenser coils by gently spraying them with water or using a soft brush to remove buildup. This simple maintenance task will improve the cooling efficiency and prevent unnecessary strain on your unit.

Check And Seal Air Ducts

Leaky air ducts can lead to energy loss and reduced cooling efficiency. Inspect your home’s air ducts for leaks, gaps, or loose connections. Seal them with appropriate duct tape or call a professional to address significant issues. By ensuring that your air ducts are properly sealed, you can optimize the airflow throughout your home, allowing your air-conditioning unit to function efficiently.

Monitor Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels can result in reduced cooling capacity and higher energy consumption. If you notice a decrease in cooling performance or hear hissing sounds from your unit, it may indicate a refrigerant leak. In such cases, contacting a qualified technician is essential to inspect and repair the leak and recharge the refrigerant to the appropriate levels.

Following these steps ensures that your air-conditioning unit runs smoothly and efficiently throughout the year. However, if you have any concerns about the performance of your unit or require a complete air conditioning installation in Pearson, AR, don’t hesitate to call the experts at Affordable Air McCallum LLC. Our experienced technicians are committed to providing fast and reliable service that will give you total peace of mind. So contact us today, and let us help you keep your home cool and comfortable all year!

Air conditioners are necessary to help cool a home during the hot summer months. They provide much-needed relief from the heat but can also be a factor in noise pollution in your home. Air conditioner noise can range from a low humming to a loud, annoying racket. Abnormal noises may be caused by various factors, such as the type of unit, its age, and the level of maintenance it receives. The noise can be disruptive to your sleep, your work, and your overall quality of life.

At Affordable Air McCallum LLC, we understand the importance of a quiet and comfortable home. That’s why we offer various services to help eliminate air conditioner noise. Our skilled technicians have over 40 years of experience working with all types of air conditioners, and they know how to diagnose and fix the underlying causes of noise. Contact us today if you need to schedule an appointment for air conditioning service in Clinton, AR, and the surrounding areas.

Here are Seven Tips for Eliminating Air Conditioner Noise in Your Home:

Maintain Your Unit

A well-maintained air conditioner is less likely to make noise. Schedule regular maintenance check-ups to ensure your unit runs efficiently and to catch any potential issues before they become more significant problems. If you’re in Clinton, air conditioning repair appointments are available. Call us today!

Check Your Ductwork

Leaky ducts can cause noise as the conditioned air escapes. You should have your ducts inspected and sealed if necessary to reduce noise and improve the efficiency of your unit.

Insulate Your Unit

Insulating your air conditioner can help to reduce noise. You can use acoustic insulation to soundproof the unit or weatherstripping to seal gaps around the unit.

Check the Fan Blades

If the fan blades in your unit are bent or damaged, they can cause noise as they spin. Replace them with new ones to reduce noise.

Choose a Unit with a High SEER Rating

SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is a measure of the efficiency of an air conditioner. Units with higher SEER ratings tend to be quieter than those with lower ratings. You can contact us if you need AC replacement in Clinton, AR, and the surrounding areas.

Install a Sound Blanket

A sound blanket is a special covering designed to reduce noise from an air conditioner. It can be wrapped around the unit or placed over it to help muffle the sound.

Keep the Unit Clean

Dust and debris can accumulate on the coils and other parts of your air conditioner, causing noise as it runs. Keep the unit clean by regularly cleaning the coils and other parts.

If you need help eliminating air conditioner noise in your home, call the Affordable Air McCallum LLC experts. We offer AC inspection services in Quitman, AR, and the surrounding areas. Our technicians can diagnose the problem and provide a solution to reduce the noise from your air conditioner. Call us today!