Air conditioners are essential home appliances, especially during the hot summer months. They help to keep the indoor temperature cool and comfortable, making it possible to relax and sleep comfortably. However, when the temperature drops too low, it can cause damage to your air conditioner, resulting in costly repairs or replacements. This is why protecting your air conditioner from freezing temperatures is essential.

At Affordable Air McCallum LLC, we understand the importance of maintaining your air conditioner in good working condition. That’s why we provide professional and reliable AC services in Clinton, AR, and the surrounding areas to ensure that your air conditioner is always running at its best. With our team of experienced technicians, you can rest assured that your air conditioner will be well taken care of. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

Now, Let's Take a Look at Some Tips for Protecting Your Air Conditioner from Freezing Temperatures:

Insulate Your Air Conditioner

Insulating your air conditioner can help to prevent freezing by trapping heat inside the unit. It can be done by wrapping the air conditioner with insulation or purchasing a specially designed insulated cover.

Keep Your Thermostat at a Consistent Temperature

During the winter months, it’s essential to keep your thermostat at a constant temperature to prevent the unit from freezing. It means that even when you’re not home, you should set the thermostat to a temperature that will keep the unit from freezing.

Clear Away Debris

Clearing away debris from around the air conditioner can help to prevent freezing. It includes leaves, branches, and other debris that can clog the unit and block airflow.

Check the Air Filter

The air filter in your air conditioner is responsible for trapping dust and debris, preventing it from entering the unit. If the filter becomes clogged, it can restrict airflow and cause the unit to freeze. Make sure to check the air filter regularly and replace it as needed.

Keep the Drain Line Clear

The drain line in your air conditioner is responsible for removing moisture from the unit. If the drain line becomes clogged, it can cause the unit to freeze. Make sure to keep the drain line clear by flushing it out regularly.

Have Your Unit Serviced

Having your air conditioner serviced by a professional can help to prevent freezing. A technician can inspect the unit and make necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure it works correctly.

Following these tips can help protect your air conditioner from freezing temperatures and ensure it works properly. Remember that the best way to protect your air conditioner from freezing temperatures is to have it professionally serviced by Affordable Air McCallum LLC. Contact us to schedule an air conditioner tune-up in Searcy, AR, and the surrounding areas.

Schedule A Service Today!

At Affordable Air McCallum LLC, we specialize in AC repair in Quitman, AR, and the surrounding areas. Whether you need repairs, maintenance, or replacement services, our experienced technicians can help. We are here to ensure that your air conditioner runs efficiently and effectively, no matter the temperature outside. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

When it comes to maintaining a comfortable home, a functioning air conditioning system is essential. However, homeowners may encounter a common issue with their AC units, such as a blocked drain line. If not addressed promptly, this will lead to water damage, mold growth, and other problems. Therefore, do not hesitate to call us for all kinds of air conditioner tune-up in Searcy and surrounding areas.

In this blog post, we’ll explain the causes of a blocked AC drain line.

Step-By-Step Instructions on How to Fix It

Step 1: Locate the Drain Line

The first step in fixing a blocked AC drain line is to locate the drain line. This is typically a minor plastic pipe that runs from the AC unit to the outside of the home. It may be found in the basement, attic, or crawl space.

Step 2: Inspect the Drain Line

Once you have located the drain line, inspect it to see if you can spot any blockages. You may see a buildup of debris or mold inside the pipe.

Step 3: Clean the Drain Line

You can use a small brush or a pipe cleaning tool to clean the drain line. Carefully insert the brush or device into the drain line and move it back and forth to loosen and remove any debris. Be sure to remove as much waste as possible to ensure proper drainage.

Step 4: Flush the Drain Line

After cleaning the drain line, flush it with water to remove any remaining debris. Be sure to flush the line thoroughly to ensure proper drainage.

Step 5: Check for Leaks

After flushing the drain line, check for any leaks. If you see any leaks, use pipe sealing tape to seal them.

Step 6: Turn the Power Back On

Once you have completed the above steps, turn the power back on to the AC unit and check to ensure that the drain line is functioning properly.

These steps can fix a blocked AC drain line and prevent water damage, mold growth, and other problems. If you encounter any issues or are unsure about any part of the process, feel free to contact the professionals at Affordable Air McCallum LLC for AC repair in Quitman, and surrounding areas.

Affordable Air McCallum LLC For AC Services

At Affordable Air McCallum LLC, we understand the importance of properly functioning air conditioning in your home. We offer many AC services to ensure your unit runs efficiently and effectively. Our professional technicians are equipped to handle any AC-related issue, from routine maintenance and repair to complex installations. In addition, we use only the most elevated quality parts and equipment to ensure our repairs are long-lasting and reliable. So whether you need a simple tune-up or complete AC repair in Searcy, or the surrounding areas, Affordable Air McCallum LLC has you covered.

Contact us today at (501) 206-5732 to schedule your appointment.